Resident services
Shenstone House is originally registered to provide 14 places for people who are no longer able, or no longer wish, to stay in their own homes due to increased poor short- term memory of dementia.
We understand that having dementia can be a difficult experience for people but we aim to support elderly persons and encourage them to still enjoy life. Our staffs are specifically trained in this area and our daily programme of events and activities centre around the needs of those with dementia. Our facilities have been adapted to ensure we provide a safe and secure environment and we have taken advice from a dementia care specialist to ensure our home meets the needs our dementia clients. From our experience and discussions, people who are involved in activities and communicate with people have a greater sense of well-being. There are no restrictions or formalities on visiting and people can feel free to entertain their family and friends at anytime.
We understand that moving into a care home can be an anxious time for all involved and we find that maintaining links in this way helps to smooth the transition. Our staff spend time listening to those that they care for and act upon their requests and this information is all fed back into our advanced care plans and to our activities planning to ensure those that we care for have choice, dignity and respect. Our staffs are friendly and warm and we feel this assists those with dementia to feel happy and relaxed.
Those that we care for may attend religious services either within or outside the home, as they so wish. If services are outside the home, where possible, transport should be arranged and accompaniment with friends and relatives. The event of this not being possible, care staff may accompany people on specific occasions, if staffing levels permit, a separate charge would be made for this service.
Those that we care for have the right to meet clergy of their chosen denomination at any time. If required, a private room will be made available for such meetings
We appreciate that communication and contact with family and friends is essential to maintaining a sense of well being for those with dementia. Our philosophy is that the resident and their friends and relatives become part of our family at Shenstone House. We aim to provide opportunities for the people we care for to keep in contact with the wider community. This can be done through providing areas for people to entertain friends and maintaining friendships and attending local clubs and churches.
Family, relatives and friends are encouraged to visit regularly or maintain contact by letter or telephone, when visiting is not possible. Staff will offer to assist with responses where help may be needed.
Visitors are welcomed at all reasonable times, and are asked to let the Person-in-Charge know of their arrival and departure from the Home. For security and fire safety reasons, visitors must sign the visitors book on each occasion.
The people we care for have the right to refuse to see any visitor, and this right will be respected and upheld by the Person-in-Charge who will, if necessary, inform the visitors of the person’s wishes.
Shenstone House offers a wide range of leisure and therapeutic activities designed to encourage mobility, and most importantly, staff encourage and help pursue their hobbies and interests. Resident’s interest, skills, personalities and medical conditions are all taken into consideration when doing activities with them. We learn a great deal about the resident from our in depth life history from which we ask family and friends to complete. This gives us an insight into likes and dislikes of the person. We offer family and friends to join the resident for meals whenever they wish. Birthdays, anniversaries are always celebrated. Our Cook makes the most wonderful cakes. Residents in our care can play the following games using the equipment that is designed for fading sight and those with dementia.
- Cards Scrabble Bingo Draughts Ball games
- Activities with the staff and activities co-ordinators
- Chatting to individuals
- Going for walks
- Manicures
- Playing games
- Armchair exercises
- Reading letters/magazines/newspapers
- Helping to choose library books
- Music and sing-along
- Maintain life long hobbies, crossword puzzles etc
- Reminiscence work and occupational therapy Art and craft sessions
- Gardening
- Film shows
Whilst we acknowledge the fact that many people have pets for company during their lifetime and that they wish to bring an animal with them when they move, the management has a responsibility with regard to health and safety. This is not to say we do not permit pets, the Manager treats each case independently, taking into account the number of pets already at the home. The Home recognises the therapeutic benefits of animals for those who have dementia. With this in mind we have a cat that visits the Home
At Shenstone House we recognise the importance of medication in the effective treatment of illness and we ensure that the highest professional standards are adhered to in the storage, administration, monitoring and disposal of medicines. On admission, all residents have their medication administered by our care workers who, along with our manager, monitor its effects in conjunction with the resident. We use the Monitoring Dosage System. Staff organise medication for leave periods with the pharmacist.
Each resident’s medication is reviewed at regular intervals. If changes are needed between reviews, a referral is made to the ’ consultant and/or GP.
Should a resident wish to self-medicate, provided that it is consistent with their risk assessment and Support Plan, they will be encouraged to do so.
Any resident may request to see a doctor in private if they wish
We consider Nutrition to be of paramount importance to our residents. Our Cook prepares healthy, good, wholesome, varied meals daily and any special dietary needs are catered for. We also receive advice from dieticians, and speech and language therapist on nutrition/hydration and issues surrounding diet and associated issues such as swallowing and oral problems
Menus are varied and favourite dishes and special diets can be catered for. The people we care for are encouraged to eat in the dining room but may eat in their own room if they desire. Special dietary requirements are also catered for and refreshments are available throughout the day and night .
Tea and coffee are served, and available, 24 hours a day, visitors are also catered for.
There are designated areas within the facility including a designated smoking area. Smoking is not permitted in residents’ bedrooms or in any other areas inside the home.
Alcohol is not permitted at Shenstone House except for special occasions under the staff supervision. Please seek advice from the Manager or Nurses regarding resident’s alcohol consumption
Non-prescribed or street drugs are not permitted at the Home
The Home has a phone, which can be used for incoming calls in the privacy of their own rooms. It can also be used for outgoing calls at a nominal fee. Residents may have their own private line through telecom provider at their own expense
All outings are geared to individual needs and capabilities. Examples of outings are listed below;
A drive around the countryside Visit to a garden centre
Visit to a pantomime o play Visits to the zoo
Clients interested in coming to Shenstone House are encouraged to visit the Home and sample the atmosphere and level of service. We recognise that the decision to move into a care home can be emotional for the person and their family, therefore, we aim to support people through this process by giving them as much information as possible and answering all their questions and ensuring the home welcoming and open.
On receiving a referral we will arrange for an assessment to be carried out to ascertain the care needs of the prospective resident. This is done at their current address, hospital or their home. We encourage an initial visit to the home as the first of the process. The completion of the assessment form is completed before the resident is admitted to Shenstone House. The outcome of the assessment is discussed with staff to ensure we can meet the needs of the person.
Admissions of an urgent nature are accepted in instances where the welfare and safety of the individual might be harmed if the admission is delayed, therefore it is possible to admit a resident without a full assessment being carried out. In these circumstance as much information as possible will be obtained. The assessment will be completed as soon as possible after admission
We are committed to providing value for money within our comprehensive and caring service:
The fees charged are dependent on:
- The type of facility required, and
- The type of care package and needs of the individual
Depending on the personal financial situation, fees can be paid privately or by benefits arranged by social services. The current rules can be complicated and specific advice is available from our Care Manager.
Standard charges include the provision of a room of your choice (depending on availability), fully furnished and provided with all linen and towels.
Fully trained staff in 24 hours attendance
Good home cooking
Provision for special diets
Laundry service
Call system
Full central heating and lighting
Manicure and hand massage
Occupational therapy
Individual advanced care plans
Some outings and entertainment
Book and video library service
Use of email facilities located in the administrative office Letter writing facility
Religious services
Dry cleaning
Weekly visits from the hairdresser to the home Monthly visits for a private chiropodist the home
Private phone installation and calls Newspapers and magazines
Staff escorts to hospital shopping/transport service
Visits to doctors, dentists and opticians appointments Respite services
If a person wishes to be discharged from the Home, then a month’s notice must be given of this intention, or a month’s fees paid in lieu of notice. Our trial period is for a minimum of 3 months, during trial period, no notice is required however the full month’s fees for the trial period will be due. If someone temporarily moves out of the Home (e.g. to receive hospital treatment) the bed is retained for a period of eight weeks and full fees will be due for those 8 weeks
All the people we care for are provided with a contract when they move into Shenstone House. This sets out the terms and conditions associated with the service that is provided. Where care is arranged by social services the contract is issued by social services and clients are provided with a statement of Shenstone House terms and conditions instead of standard contract